Sam Campbell

Station Manager

Environmental Systems major
Sixth College, Class of 2024
Specializations: Cinematography, photography, directing, production
Fun Fact: I love rock climbing and canyoneering


An environmental science major running a film org? What?! Ever since I was little I have loved doing photography and making movies. I would either force my little sister to act in my films or use my toys when she refused. I made 30 minute movies, 10 second long stop motions, and everything in between. Film and photography have always been a way for me to express my creativity and share my ideas. I grew up in Utah loving nature and the outdoors. Every year, I could see that there was less and less snow and more droughts and wildfires. So I decided to major in environmental science but pursue my passion for film/photography through TTV!

As a TTV Station Manager I do a little bit of everything to make sure that TTV is functioning. I am also one of the cofounders of the UCSD Film Festival and the head of the 2023 Festival! I really hope that through TTV and the UCSDFF that we can create a community that celebrates the incredibly talented, creative students at UCSD.

Iā€™m usually at the TTV studio in between classes, so come say hi! Especially if you want to learn more about cinematography, photography, film festivals, or my love for whale documentaries.


