siya kamboj

Director of Internal Affairs

Computer Science Major
Seventh College, Class of 2026
Specializations: Assistant Directing, Spreadsheets and Budgeting
Fun Fact: I’m learning how to crochet!


As basic as this intro line is, ever since I was little, I’ve loved watching and making movies! When I was younger, I would force my cousins and friends to be in my little imovie skits and spend hours writing/directing/editing. Hence, when I got to high school, I wanted to continue exploring this interest by getting involved in technical theater, in lieu of my school not having a film program. Eventually, I became stage manager and ended up loving the job and the community that I got to have! Even though I loved theater, I always wondered what would have happened if I explored my love for film/movies earlier. So, when I got to college and discovered Triton Television, I immediately submitted my application for the intern program. Since then, I realized that I love assistant directing and just generally being on film sets.

As current Director of Internal Affairs, I am in charge of budgeting and equipment checkouts and I can’t wait to get more involved in TTV this year!


